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How To Increase Revenue From Google Adsense

Today's topic on how to earn from Google Adsense. If you follow all the guidelines of Google AdSense, blogging can be easily recognized and make a lot of money from your blog. It's been a long time since many people have accepted Google AdSense, but it's frustrating not being able to increase revenue.

As a result, some people support the use of Google Adsense. The main reason Google AdSense does not increase revenue is that it is not used properly. If you can use Google AdSense ads in the right place, you can easily get good value from your blog. If you follow these tips properly, Google AdSense will increase your revenue.

Follow the Google AdSense policy

Most publishers never think about this. They think it will have no effect on the blog. Before applying to Google AdSense, after installing the code and reading their complete AdSense guidelines, they should do everything right. If you do not follow the Google Adsense guidelines, you may be blocked from your Google Adsense account at any time instead of increasing your revenue. Below are some highlights of Google Adsense.
  • Do not click on an ad on your blog.
  • Do not pay traffic or click.
  • Do not encourage others to click on the ad.
  • Do not click on the ad by changing the IP address.
  • Do not share adult content or alcohol on the blog.
  • Ad code is not provided anywhere in the content.
  • Do not advertise on blogs that do not support languages.

Uses Responsive Adsense units

Currently, Responsive AdSense units play a key role in increasing Google adsense revenue. If you do a survey, you will find that more than 50% of your daily visitors to your blog are on computers as well as on a variety of devices such as mobiles, smartphones and tablets. In this case, if your blog does not respond and does not use Responsive Adsense units, more than 50% of visitors will skip the ad, which means you will not be able to benefit from those 50% of visitors. So, to increase blog revenue, blogging becomes a responsible design.

Enter the ad code in the best place

The Google AdSense ad code is kept in a place where visitors can easily see it. This will increase the chances of clicking on your blog ad. Google AdSense always displays ads related to the content, so when the reader can easily see the ad, it needs it. In this case, he should click on the ads for his needs.
Regular content publishing

Content is the main and only medium for revenue and growth for the blog. If you want to get a great new special visitor to your blog, tune in to new articles regularly. When you follow SEO and share good content of the blog, visitors and revenue increase. One thing to keep in mind when sharing a copy of any content is when sharing more content. You can opt out of the AdSense account instead of increasing revenue.

Increase the load time of the blog

Quick past blog visitors and advertising will increase by two clicks. If your blog is too slow you will not get visitors or page views. Because the blog takes longer than it loads, visitors get angry and leave your blog. This will help you understand what happens if the blog is slow.

Removes other ads

To increase revenue from Google AdSense ads, remove all ads that are less important than AdSense. The load time on your blog will increase significantly. Additionally, Google does not like to display AdSense ads and other types of ads. If you use any kind of ad before applying it to Google AdSense, please remove it. "Otherwise, the AdSense team won't approve your application."

Using Google AdSense instructions

If you add your Google Adsense account to your Google Analytics account, you can easily find out about your daily income level. Also, through some sites, you can find out how much revenue you can earn. For example, you will see details of how much you have earned by promoting blog links on Facebook or similar sites. So you can easily understand what to do to increase your blog revenue.

Use AdSense for Google products

With Google Products YouTube, you can display ads on other Google products to earn some extra revenue from Google AdSense. I will highlight some of these important products -

YouTube Monetization: If you have a good video on your YouTube channel, you can easily increase your revenue sources by using AdSense videos by your YouTube partner. The easiest way to make money from online media is to make money making videos on YouTube.

Use RSS Feed AdSense: If you use FeedBurner or have a large number of subscribers, you can also increase your revenue by displaying AdSense number display with RSS feed.

Google Custom Search: Almost everyone on our blog uses the Google Custom Search Box. What you may not know is that it can also display AdSense ads

Google Custom Search Box

When someone searches for something on your blog using Google Custom Search, show some ads to the right of the search results above. Advertising also plays a role in increasing revenue.

Google AdSense uses the standard ad size

Ads vary in click size and demand. Using the right size ads will increase the amount of revenue. For example, the advertising price is -790 × 90, 728 × 90, 336 × 280, 300 × 250, 300 × 600, 468 × 60 and much larger than others. Advertising is also an image so it can be accepted that there are two types of image and text.

High paying ads and keywords

I said earlier that AdSense always shows ads related to the article. For example, if you write an article about the game of cricket, most of that article is about cricket advertisements. Similarly, if your article is on any topic in the United States, you will display ads in that country. In this case, you can use the keyword tool to share a high quality article with high label keywords.

AdSense displays good ads on your blog. This will double your blog revenue. In addition, adsense advertising rates are higher in developed countries. So if you can target visitors from USA, UK, Indonesia and Australia, you can easily make good money with fewer visitors.

The end:

In this article we have given you some important tips on how to increase your revenue from Google Adsense. If I can challenge any blogger and anyone can fully follow these 10 tips, you can make good money using Google Adsense on his blog.

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