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10 Ways That Motivates You For Study.

 10 Ways That Motivates You For Study.
10 Ways That Motivates You For Study.

Sometimes learning and reading from previous weeks is like pulling.
This is exacerbated by learning with a wave of questions that make you doubt yourself on a personal level:

'Did I even understand these readings?' ... 'Can I write something interesting and relevant?' ... 'Am I going to do the right thing?' Feels like others are doing more than me '...' What if I do bad? '

These thoughts may be subtle but can lead to difficult feelings that interfere with motivation. So you can try some of the following to create that inspiration:

1. Identify your resistance and difficult feelings with motivation

It may help to write down these feelings or thoughts and put them aside so that you can learn.

2. Do not run away

Leaving work makes you feel bad. It's less of a hassle than going with the frustration of reading for your paper.

3. Don’t blame yourself for procrastination

Try to learn about the habit and make a conscious effort to get back to work sooner rather than later.

4. Try to better understand your learning style

Makes the task easier for you? We all succumb to pleasant experiences and it is natural to avoid uncomfortable and arid jobs and duties. So try to make your learning experience as fun as possible.

5. Do not question your abilities

Do not underestimate yourself by comparing yourself to others

6. Visualize self-start

Even if it’s only 20 minutes, sit back and work on yourself. See starting as a plane-like parallel process on the runway. You can start slowly but you start!

7. Focus on the work at hand

Prioritize the most important tasks and avoid multi-tasking.

8. Communicate with others about any difficulties and / or things you want to do

It helps you to communicate with the process and identify important tasks. Communication / Externalization helps you to adhere to immediate goals and you can find other people’s perspectives and tips.

9. Take a time-limited approach to scheduling your tasks

'How much can I achieve in the next 2 hours?' 'Can I finish all the work?' You will not easily get the amount of practice you need to do this way.

10. Remember that learning can be challenging and takes you out of your comfort zone

Think of Kilimanjaro or mountaineering; It is not easy, it is disturbing, but when you reach the destination when you start looking from a height and experiencing fresh air, you will find joy and satisfaction. Focus on the impact, not the fight to get there!

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  1. Thank You for sharing such a beautiful post. Actually I've wrote a post related to self motivation. Please check my post https://beingpak.com/it-is-important-to-invest-on-yourslf/
